Using gardens, stories and traditional handicrafts, Shahre Gheseh Theme Park will offer family entertainment and amusement that will encourage a greater familiarity and appreciation of Iran’s past, present and future. The activities, motifs and recurring themes within the park will be inspired by the Persian story-telling tradition. Shahre Gheseh Theme park is designed by Canadian firm, Forrec Ltd., which has designed Universal Studios’ theme parks around the world.

In various locations throughout the park’s diars, the Persian word meaning zones, there will be story-telling centers, pavilions and performances, both staged and impromptu, in both natural and architectural settings. Many attractions will evoke contemporary and traditional stories taken from Iranian history, literature and folklore.
Shahre Gheseh Theme Park is under construction on 38 hectares of land with 45 rides and 28 attractions developed into seven zones: Creation Courtyard, History Plaza, Silk Road, Adventure World, Land of Myths, Future Zone and City of Toys. It has been estimated that by the completion of phase 1 and 2, 9 million people will visit Shahre Gheseh annually, and it will rank in the Top 10 Amusement/Theme Parks worldwide in terms of number of attendees.
Diar 1: Creation
“Sardar-e Bagh Melli” was chosen for the main park entrance, based on the National Garden complex in Tehran. This area contains two main zones, Creation and Old Tehran. Tehran’s famous Golestan Palace complex (Shams ol Emareh, Takht Marmar, Talar Salam, and Talar Berelian) and Laleh Zar Street (Grand Hotel, Stores, Cafes), are some of the design references used for the central promenade of Zone 1 leading into Zone 2. In keeping with the same style as the main entrance gate, Tekyeh Dolat from Tehran’s famous Bazaar and Emarat Badgir (Wind Towers Building at Golestan Palace), were selected as reference buildings in designing the Persian Theatre zone.

The Walk through History area leads into a large plaza looking towards the impressive “7 Domes” monument. The architecture in this zone represents the historical buildings and landmarks of different Persian eras. A magnificent gateway with Persepolis motifs provides the entrance to the History Walk, leading visitors past historical monuments such as Choghazanbill Ziggurat, an ancient Elamite complex, Danial Nabi Tomb and Tagh-e Kasra, the largest brick-built arch in the world.
Diar 3: Silk Road
After passing through Old Tehran, and travelling within Old Iran in the first two zones, visitors enter the Silk Road. Here they travel along with Naserkhosro and Marco Polo to some of the most famous stops along the Silk Road, namely China, India, Iran and Italy. This zone is divided into four smaller baghs (gardens) each representing a country. Though not a major stop on the Silk Road, Isfahan, being the international symbol of exquisite Iranian architecture, was selected as the representative for Iran. There is a sense of antiquity and a mingling of cultures, as each of the smaller areas has its own distinct character and historical references.
Diar 4: Adventure 
Here we introduce the excitement of adventure, in both fact and fantasy, based on well-known legends such as Hezaro Yek Shab and on contemporary movies, television and literature. In addition to story-telling, there will be thrilling rides and a spectacular rollercoaster. Adventure Corner consists of two formal baghs separated and surrounded by wilder vegetation, symbolizing the separation of cultivation and wilderness – the wild and the tame. Architectural elements will consist of simple walls and structures whose forms are adapted from Iranian vernacular architecture. Famous historical locations in Iran such as Bam, Masouleh, Kandovan, and Abyaneh are some of the inspirations that create interesting and exciting environments in this zone.
Diar 5: Myth 
Seven Beauties is the story of a young warrior-king who marries seven beautiful princesses from seven distant lands, each of whom occupies a special domed palace. The princesses are from exotic lands and their palaces are themed on seven heavenly bodies, linked to seven days of the week and seven colors progressing through the spectrum from black to white. This zone consists of a natural garden containing seven domed structures, each displaying the characteristic architectural style and color of the corresponding princess. Rides and attractions will draw on the qualities of the country being represented. A Moroccan market might serve as a retail facility, or a Central Asian theme might provide the backdrop for a camel or carpet ride.
Diar 6: Future 
This Future Zone extends the visitor experience, through books, comics and cinema, into the fantasy realm of contemporary Iranian science fiction, with hints to what the future may hold. The life stories and contributions of Iranian scholars such as Avicenna, Aboureyhan and Khayyam will be introduced to visitors. The contrast between futuristic science fiction elements and traditional gardens will be heightened by the inclusion of exciting science fiction-themed rides, ultramodern elements and futuristic architecture.
Diar 7: Play 
This area of the park is designed to appeal to children and the young-at-heart with fantastical and whimsical elements. There will be small story centers and an amphitheater, where Iranian and Islamic myths, legends and stories, will be read and performed. Myths such as Jamshid, legends like Rostam and Arash, and stories of the prophet Noah will be popular with audiences of all ages. The architecture, sculptural elements and paving patterns will be fanciful and based purely on imagination and humor. Rides and attractions will reflect Iranian folk tales and their characters, as well as cartoonish animal characters from traditional stories.
Rides All rides of Shahre Gheseh are provided from All rides at Shahre Gheseh are provided by the best Western European suppliers and have TUV certification. The following chart details the percentage breakdown between roller coasters, thrill rides, family rides, kids’ rides and attractions.